Friday, September 6, 2024

ZRA Housing Initiative a Major Step Forward for Employee Welfare, Says Union"

ZAMBIA Revenue Authority Workers Union (ZRAWU) says the commencement of the construction of 242 housing units in the country for Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) employees is a significant stride toward bettering the lives of the institution's employees.

ZRAWU General Secretary Christopher Mwila said this initiative by ZRA management is a genuine commitment to the well-being of its staff as the authority has completed the construction of 47 housing units.

“The new housing units are more than just buildings; they symbolise a critical investment in ZRA’s most valuable asset which is its employees.”

"This investment fosters a sense of belonging, stability, and pride within our working community," said Mr Mwila.

He said ZRA management’s substantial efforts in improving the working environment and living conditions for staff in the country are commendable as it intends to complete 142 housing units.

Mr Mwila said this in a press statement that the construction of new staff houses and office spaces across the country.

"With safe and comfortable housing, our staff is better equipped to fulfill their duties effectively, which in turn leads to improved productivity and enhanced morale," he said.  

Mr Mwila said that the Union is sincerely grateful for management's efforts, which have not gone unnoticed by the workforce.

However, he also pointed out that while significant progress has been made, challenges still remains 

Mr Mwila expressed concerns over certain projects, particularly the one in Choma, which has faced setbacks and delays in completion where eight are being constructed.

"Managing multiple projects is undoubtedly complex, requiring thoughtful planning and allocation of resources," he said.

"Nonetheless, it is imperative that the Authority addresses these delays to uphold the commitments made to our workforce,” Mr Mwila said.

Our colleagues in Choma and other regions deserve the same opportunities for conducive housing as their peers elsewhere," he said.

Mr Mwila urged ZRA management to prioritise and expedite the completion of these ongoing projects.

He stressed that while it is important to celebrate successes, it is equally crucial to diligently address the challenges that still require the Authority’s attention and resources.

Mr Mwila said the continued engagement between ZRA management and the Union to collaboratively resolve any issues that arise.

He expressed his gratitude to the staff for their unwavering dedication to duty and to management for the improvements made so far in enhancing working conditions.

"The progress we see today, such as the new housing units, is a testament to what can be achieved when management and staff work together toward a common goal," Mr Mwila said

"As we move forward, let us maintain this spirit of cooperation and continue to build a better future for everyone within the Zambia Revenue Authority," he said. 

Mr Mwila said this positive development within ZRA reflects a broader commitment to employee welfare, which is essential for the sustained success of the institution in fulfilling its mandate to the government and the people of Zambia.


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