Friday, October 18, 2024

Livingstone Tycoon and Co-Accused Ordered to Defend Themselves in Court

Livingstone Magistrate Kahoyi Mushabati has said that the three people accused in a court case need to give their side of the story.

The case involves Israel Mushoke, Shah Jayendra Kumar Chihanganlal, and Lata Jehendra Shah. 

They are accused of lying and entering private property without permission. 

Israel Mushoke (54 years old) and Shah Jayendra Kumar Chihanganlal (65 years old) are accused of tricking a government officer, George Susiku Sindila, into signing a paper for land in Livingstone between January and June 2022.

 They are also charged with going onto other people's land without permission, trying to commit a crime.

Lata Jehendra Shah, a 60-year-old businesswoman, is also accused of being part of these activities. 

The three people have lawyers from Swizt Mweemba and Associates.

Magistrate Mushabati said he looked at all the evidence and believes the accused need to explain themselves. 

They will now have a chance to tell their side and can call witnesses to help them.

The defense team asked for more time to prepare, so the judge moved the case to November 1, 2024.

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