Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Tenant Fined K5000 for Insulting Landlord in Livingstone



A tenant, known for drinking irresponsibly and causing disturbances among other tenants, has been fined K5000 for insulting the landlord.

Lilian Mwiya, residing at house number MC 265 in Maramba, sued Chinyama Chipango of Malota township, seeking compensation of K7000 for insults inflicted by Chipango, her tenant.

Mwiya informed the court that around 02:00 in the morning, she received a phone call reporting that one of her tenants was insulting others.

"As I was preparing to investigate, I received another distress call, indicating that the situation was worsening. Upon rushing to the location, I found that indeed one of my tenants was insulting and disturbing the peace of others. Despite my presence, he disregarded me and continued to insult me," Mwiya said.

She explained that Chipango used unpredictable and offensive language, boldly stating that he did not fear anyone and daring her to take the matter wherever she wished.

Subsequently, the matter was reported to the police as Chipango had broken windows on one of the flats and damaged the mortice lock.

Mwiya emphasized her desire for Chipango to be held accountable for his actions so that he could learn a lesson, asserting that he showed no fear of consequences.

In his defense, Chipango expressed remorse for disregarding the court summons after being duly served.

"It was this very month when I had been drinking and became unruly. I admit that I had been intoxicated, and I feel remorseful. I ask for forgiveness," Chipango said.

"I was apprehended by the police while I was drunk and conveyed to the police station," he added.

Chipango admitted to not being afraid of the landlord and referred to the landlord as stupid. He explained that he did not have the K700 to pay the landlord immediately.

"I propose paying the money in installments of K2000, starting from January 2024. I want to emphasize that I never troubled the landlord in paying my rentals," Chipango said.

When questioned about his actions, Chipango attributed them to the alcohol he had consumed, saying, "It led me to say many things against the landlord. I assure the court that I will never drink beer like that again."

In passing judgment, Senior Local Court Magistrate Esau Daka ordered Chipango to pay K250 per month as installments.

"Chipango, you are directed to pay a total of K5000," Magistrate Daka said.

"Chipango is a tenant of the landlord, and he admitted to the claim of having insulted his landlord," Magistrate Daka noted.


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