Friday, April 19, 2024

(DEBS) denies sidelining journalists in Livingstone



Livingstone District Education Board Secretary (DEBS) Charles Miyoba has explained that it does not sideline journalists in terms of sharing information on developments in the education sector.

Mr Miyoba said the DEBS office is a public office and journalists are free to engage it for any information that they need in the education sector.

Speaking on his behalf was Livingstone Standards officer for Open Distance Learning, Jeffa Malawo during a training for media practitioners which was hosted by Zambia National Education Coalition (ZANEC) under the theme, the role of the media in the promotion of academic freedom and equality education for everyone through reporting.
“The DEBS office has taken note of the concerns which they have been raised by the journalists that they do not have access and enough feedback from the DEBS office whenever they have press query,” Mr Miyoba said.

He said giving quality education to the learners is the goal of the ministry and without the support of the media the public cannot know what is happening in their communities.

 Mr Miyoba said there is need to promote the silent policies of the ministry which are making positive impact in the lives of people as the media can help change societies.

“Without the media the people might know that they are 24 literacy centres which opened in their communities where they can learn to read and write. They are also evening classes and special education schools,” Mr Miyoba said.

He said it is for this reason that education should not be a preserve of a few individuals in the communities.   

Mr Miyoba paid tribute to ZANEC’s initiative to train the media so that they can appreciate aspect of academic freedom.

“I am confident that the media will continue to give the people the right information as academic freedom is a human right and it is under threat and therefore the need to use the media to highlight freedom,” he said.

And Journalists from all the media institutions expressed concerns that they were not getting timely responses from the DEBS office on press queries or interviews.

And ZANEC networking and information coordinator Precious Mungambata said the journalist taken keen interest in ZANEC media wards.

Ms Mungambata said it is unfortunate that some of the journalists do not present quality work for submission for the wards.

 She said it is shocking that some simply present commemorations or event based articles, whereby they do not show any innovation.


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