Tuesday, November 28, 2023

U.S. CDC Pumps $2.5 Million into Cutting-Edge Lab to Arm Zambia Against Public Health Threats

 In a strategic move to fortify global health defenses, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S. CDC) has joined forces with the Zambia National Public Health Institute (ZNPHI) in a groundbreaking $2.5 million investment to establish an Integrated Pathogen Genomics Laboratory in Zambia. This collaborative initiative, unveiled at the 3rd Annual International Conference on Public Health in Africa (CPHIA), signifies a pivotal leap forward in combating infectious diseases across the southern African region.

The Integrated Pathogen Genomics Laboratory is poised to become a linchpin in the battle against emerging health threats, boasting the capability to swiftly detect and respond to a spectrum of viruses and bacteria. This visionary venture, endorsed by both U.S. CDC and ZNPHI, aligns with a broader regional strategy set to overhaul laboratory capacity in ten southern African countries starting in 2024.

Dr. Nirav D. Shah, Principal Deputy Director of U.S. CDC, announced the catalytic investment, emphasizing the importance of genomics and bioinformatics in disease surveillance. Speaking at CPHIA, Dr. Shah stated, "Genomics, together with bioinformatics, are the processes by which we obtain gene sequences of viruses and other pathogens. Establishing an Integrated Pathogen Genomics Laboratory in Zambia builds upon the capacity within the Zambia Genomic Surveillance Consortium, originally established to scale up SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance."

The $2.5 million injection will not only fund the laboratory but also provide intensive technical support, further solidifying over two decades of collaborative efforts between the U.S. CDC and Zambia. This move underscores the commitment to advancing pathogen genomics surveillance in southern Africa, propelling the region towards proactive and evidence-based public health responses.

Professor Roma Chilengi, Director of ZNPHI, stressed the pivotal role of National Public Health Institutes (NPHIs) in safeguarding national security. "NPHIs are science-based institutions that promote health by conducting and coordinating public health functions and programs to prevent, detect, and respond to public health threats," she affirmed.

The announcement unfolded at the high-profile CPHIA event, co-hosted by Zambia, ZNPHI, and Africa CDC, running from November 27-30, 2023. With the theme "Breaking Barriers: Repositioning Africa in the Global Health Architecture," the conference is poised to shape the future of health initiatives on the continent. The Integrated Pathogen Genomics Laboratory is not just a facility; it's a testament to the unwavering commitment of international partnerships in the face of evolving global health challenges.

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